ProJet received an order for 2 Power Cleaners (dryer fabric cleaners) on quite unique positions in the paper machine. Temboard is producing coated board on a 5 meter / 200 in. wide machine in Temiscaming, QC, Canada. The Power Cleaners will be installed after the Coater, on the Top & Bottom fabrics.

The dryer fabrics on this position tend to build up slowly with contamination during normal production. During a sheet break however, the coater tends to ”paint” the fabrics, leading to completely contaminated dryer fabrics, resulting in quality problems and reduced drying capacity. This contamination needs to be cleaned very quickly tob e able to resule nomal operation.
Temboard selected ProJet as preferred supplier because ProJet’s Power Cleaner has the unique feature of a batch cleaning mode built into the same cleaning head as the continuous cleaning mode. The continuous cleaning mode will keep Temboard’s after dryer fabrics clean during normal production. During normal production, minimal water is ued to clean, in order not to cause any negative influence to paper quality. After a sheet break however, when there is no paper on the machine ad there is a possibility to clean with more water, additional nozzles are being switched on to provide a “shock” wash. In this batch “shock’ mode, the permeability of the painted dryer fabrics can be restored in minimal time, as short as 5 minutes.

The equipment is scheduled to be delivered in Q1, 2018 and installation & start-up in Q2, 2018.